Thank You BHS Peer Tutors!

Kelly Neale
Over the last three months, afternoons in the library have been filled with students of all ages working together on math and language arts, engaged in the BHS peer tutoring program. Twenty-five junior high students volunteered this year to offer extra support after school to thirty students from 1st to 7th grade, and on any given day the library was filled with the sounds of productivity and progress as part of this wonderful community program. "I liked connecting with people", said Ella S., a veteran peer tutor. "Helping people makes me happy", added Brady W., an exceptional 8th grade student himself. "Tutoring younger kids and just to see the smile on their faces was the highlight of my day!", said 8th grade Ali R, another veteran peer tutor. "I liked the opportunity to share my ideas", said Kyle S., an advanced 8th grade math student. "I like being a good example for younger students", said Winston K., a new peer tutor this year, who tutored both math and writing. The program ended this week, and tutors were honored with a pizza lunch for a job well done! They will be recognized again at the year-end recognition awards assembly on June 3rd.
Located in Los Angeles, CA, Berkeley Hall School is a private, coeducational school for students in preschool through grade 8. Rigorous academics in a supportive atmosphere and grounded character development allow students to become fearless scholars and conscientious citizens - gain a love of learning, leadership with social responsibility, creativity with moral integrity, and self-esteem with compassion for others and the environment.